About Us

About MyBigSky

Ask any small business leader what’s holding them back and they’ll tell you: not enough staff, or staff with the wrong skills, experience or mind-set. Balancing pulling in new clients with keeping the existing ones happy. Goods stuck in China, in the ground, in post-Brexit import limbo.

These are the visible problems. They’re real, they’re significant and as business leaders we’re generally happy to talk about them.

But what about the problems behind the problems? Things like stress and demotivation, or lack of confidence, sleep or a genuine sounding board?  What about the realisation that external appearance of success isn’t enough – not unless it’s accompanied by an internal feeling of purpose and fulfilment?

We might be less keen to talk about problems like these, but they’re just as real – and they’ve never been more prevalent.

At MyBigSky we believe that when you tackle the hidden problems, the more visible problems get easier to deal with.

Our world-class coaching programme has already transformed the performance of more than 100 business leaders in Norfolk.  And now we’re offering all small business leaders, across our beautiful country, the chance to build their own fulfilling Big Sky, whatever that looks like to you.

MyBigSky.co.uk offers a supportive community of peers with a shared sense of commitment, who help challenge and inspire each other in a personal way.

Our online training platform brings together a structured blend of world-class coaching, transformational business tools, videos, podcasts and regular zoom clinics.  These are all available to access when you need them.

We’re here to provide practical, personal and proven mentoring to help you tackle both business and personal challenges. Your own problems behind the problems, solved.

Because once you do that, the sky’s the limit. And as we know, skies don’t come bigger than in Norfolk.

Whats Your Big Sky? MyBigSky

Our Purpose: To help 20,000 small businesses outperform their competitors in terms of People, Prosperity and Planet.

People = wellbeing, engagement, fulfilment, teamwork, community.

Prosperity = turnover, profit, cash & value.

Planet = sustainability, responsible consumption and production, clean energy, innovation.

In our Year 1 program ‘Problems Behind the Problems‘, we have focused directly on People; in Year 2 and beyond, we will focus on all 3: People, Prosperity and Planet

Ready to get started?

Our world-class training programme has already transformed the performance of more than 100 business leaders in Norfolk. And now we’re offering all small business leaders, across our beautiful country, the chance to build their own fulfilling Big Sky, whatever that looks like to you.