TEAM – The Expectation Achievement Model

Developing Joy and Fulfilment in Leadership

If you ask most business leaders how things are going, you’ll often hear: “Business is tough. My team isn’t performing, suppliers are unreliable, costs keep rising, and customers don’t pay on time.”

Rarely will you hear, “I’m really enjoying it and making a difference.”

So why do so many leaders feel frustrated?

It’s all about how we use our brains. In today’s business world, most of us rely heavily on the left side of the brain, which focuses on numbers, analysis, logic, and processes to run businesses. While these skills are important, the left brain doesn’t bring any joy or fulfilment.

That’s where the right side of the brain comes in—this is where we tap into creativity, intuition, emotion, and meaning. Joy and fulfilment in leadership comes when we let the right brain guide the left, adding purpose and significance to the work we do.

The challenge for many leaders is that they haven’t been trained to lead with the right brain. It’s easier to stay in ‘action mode,’ focusing solely on logic and results rather than tapping into feelings and deeper meaning.



“Unlock Your T.E.A.M”

Welcome to The Expectation Achievement Model

How many times have you set an arbitrary financial target and then failed to meet it?

When businesses are dominated by the left brain, motivation drops, relationships suffer, productivity falls, and people lose a sense of purpose in their work.

At the moment in the UK, only 10% of employees feel engaged with their company, while 38% feel daily stress and 19% feel daily anger.

To help resolve this situation, MyBigSky has created T.E.A.M. (The Expectation Achievement Model). T.E.A.M helps leaders train their right brain to lead the left, bringing joy and fulfilment into leadership.

T.E.A.M includes four stages:

  • Getting to know yourself
  • Setting the right expectations
  • Empowering your team
  • Executing your plan

These stages help leaders get to know themselves so they set the right expectations, right for them and their teams, not just financial goals, but goals that include a wider perspective, e.g. around Prosperity, People, and the Planet.



*Inspired by Dr Karl Friston (Free Energy Theory) and Dr Ian McGilchrist (The Master and His Emissary)

We are not necessarily looking for some profound purpose but having relevant and inspiring expectations in the business that can provide people with moments of meaning throughout their working day; linking the left brain to the right.

Once the right expectations have been set, T.E.A.M looks to empower the team with tools and techniques that will bring out the best in them as well as ensure execution of the plan has maximum impact.

By using T.E.A.M, leaders can experience the personal joy and fulfilment that comes from leading with meaning and achieving their expectations.

Ready to get started?

T.E.A.M empowers you to cultivate joy and fulfillment in your business, while our world-class training program provides flexible learning options tailored to suit you and your business needs.