Module 1: Self-Development
In this Module, you will learn how to:
- Manage and prioritise your time
- Delegate, delegate, delegate!
- Manage productive meetings
Module 2: Marketing
In this Module, you will learn how to
- Define what you stand for
- Know who your market is
- Execute brand, media and sales activities
Module 3: Sales
In this Module, you will learn how to:
- Build a sales engine for growth
- Create a Unique Differentiating Proposition
- Relieve the pain points of your customers
Module 4: Raising Finance, Buying & Selling Companies
In this Module, you will learn how to:
- Raise finance to grow your business
- Buy companies to expand your business
- Maximise the sale price of your business
Module 5: Presentation
In this Module, you will learn how to:
- Present authentically and with impact
- Open with a Boom, Close with a Bang
- Win the hearts and minds of your audience